- Amendment - Judgements, Decrees, Orders..
- The court either of its own motion or on the the application of any parties may amend clerical or arithmetical mistake in judgements , decrees or orders or errors arising therein from any accidental slip or omission at any time be corrected.
- Above power of amendment or rectification or correction may be exercise at any time by court.
- But the court may exercise above power within reasonable time.
- The above power of court may be exercised in respect of compromise decree also.
- The court has no power to correct omission which goes to merit of the case.
- The court has no power to modify or set aside any judgement, decree or order as per above provision.
- In fact the period of limitation is not prescribed in C.P.C. for amendment of judgements, decrees or orders by court as per above power.
= = Relevant Provision ===
- Section 152 of C.P.C.
- section 29 of The Limitation Act 1963.
== Relevant Judgement ==
-State or Maharashtra v/s Shyamkant Dattatraya Patil 2006(3) M.L.J.577.
Jaylaxmi Narayan v/s Oswald Coelho and another A.I.R 2001 S.C.1084=2001(3) M.L.J.498.
- Latabai N.Telang v/s Suresh N.Telang 2006(1) M.L.J.440.
- Peethai Suryanarayana v/s Repaka V. R.Kishore A.I.R.2009 S.C.2141.
- Srihari v/s Sayed Maqdoom Shah 2015(3) M.L.J.582(S.C.).
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