- Basically Suit Valuation Act 1887 & Maharashtra (Bombay) Court Fee Act 1959 be peruse for suit valuation and suit stamp duty for every type of suit.
- For calculating market value of suit property property the procedure is provided in the Maharashtra Court Fee Act if dispute arise before court in the suit.
- Market value for the Indian Stamp Act 1899 or Maharashtra (Bombay) Stamp Act 1958 determined as Ready Reckoner for purpose of assessment of stamp duty for Registration of instrument .
- Ready Reckoner value of Property is not the same as suit valuation for the purpose of Jurisdiction & Court-Fee in suit before court.
- Suit Valuation Act & Stamp Act operate in different fields but many people confuses while calculating Suit Valuation & Court Fee .
= Relevant Law==
- Indian Stamp Act 1899.
- Suit Valuation Act 1887.
- Maharashtra (Bombay) Court Fee Act 1959.
==Relevant Judgement=
- Add.Distt.Sub-Registrar Siliguri v/s Pawan Kumar Verma & Ors 2013 SAR 569=A.I.R 2013 S.C.1886.
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